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28/29 OCTOBER 2021

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In this TPM hosted by AIFED in Granada has been worked on the next steps of the project. To the meeting assisted partners from Serbia, Germany, Italy and Austria. The consortium worked on the following target groups and areas of the EntreComp for the next LTTAs:


  • AREA 2 in the ENTRECOMP framework: RESOURCES

These 2 activities must be finished on time to present results in SERBIA in April 2022.

There will be small research of the situation in each country and a questionnaire adapted to low skills people and to people who work with them.


Competences that are generally not in the list of skills of entrepreneurs are financial literacy and dealing with risk. From that information the questionnaire for people with low skills has been adapted between all the partners to improve these skills and to work on the 5 main competences of area 2 of EntreComp too.


The questionnaire is based on the 5 competences of the area:

1- Self-awareness & Self-efficacy

2- Motivation & Perseverance

3- Mobilising resources

4- Financial & Economical Literacy

5- Mobilising others

  • AREA 3 in the ENTRECOMP Framework: INTO ACTION


The 2 following activities must be prepared and finished BEFORE the AUSTRIA MEETING

there are 2 activities to perform in this section:


A - Questions that we will use to make a desktop research on the situation of enterprises run by immigrants in our area/cities. It has been proposal to arrange visits to some related places and companies run by immigrants.

B – Interviews


The questionnaire is based on the 5 competences of the area:

1- Taking the initiative

2- Planning & Management

3- Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk

4- Working with others

5- Learning through experience

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